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  • Glossary

    Find clear and concise definitions for key terms in illustrated book publishing, from ISBN to print-on-demand.

  • Blog

    Welcome to the Made Live Blog—your go-to resource for self-publishing insights, tips, and industry trends.

  • Sitemap

    Find all the pages you might need at Made Live with our helpful Sitemap page

  • Home

    Join a vibrant community of authors and bring your illustrated stories to life. Made Live offers easy-to-use tools and comprehensive support to seamlessly publish and market your children's books, comics, and graphic novels.

  • Press

  • Kelowna Capital News - Total Mom Pitch Top 5

    Made Live's momentous climb to the Top 5 in Total Mom Pitch 2023 has caught the eye of Kelowna Capital News. Learn about the hurdles and triumphs that led us here.

  • Mom The Mag Article

    Made Live announces with pride that our CEO and Co-Founder, Karen Richard, has been spotlighted in Mom The Mag, elucidating her dedication to storytelling.

  • Made Live - Total Mom Pitch 2023 Top 100 Semifinalist!

    Made Live and CEO Karen Richard earn a spot in the coveted Top 100 list for the 2023 Total Mom Pitch. Learn more about this prestigious recognition.

  • Blog

  • Crafting a Compelling Plot for Children's Picture Books: A Guide for Authors

    Consider the age group you're writing for and the types of messages you want to convey to your audience.

  • How to Write Children's Books with Moral Lessons or Educational Content

    Unlock the art of crafting compelling children's books that both entertain and teach. From weaving universal lessons of kindness and empathy into endearing stories to harmonizing colorful illustrations with eloquent texts, our hands-on guide simplifies how to capture young hearts while shaping young minds. Dive in and discover how to transform your noble teachings into the next beloved classic.

  • How to Self-Publish a Children's Book: A Complete Guide

    Embark on the journey of self-publishing your children's book with our end-to-end guide. From initial manuscript to reaching young readers, unlock the secrets to successfully navigate the self-publishing landscape and bring your imaginative stories to life.

  • NEW BEGINNINGS SERIES - Blog 2: Unlock Your Creativity: A New Year's Blueprint for Aspiring Children's Book Authors

    Step into the New Year with your best story forward. Our comprehensive guide is tailored for aspiring children's book authors, offering innovative strategies to revitalize your writing routine, set achievable goals, and embrace new storytelling techniques. Discover how Made Live can support your journey to publishing the children's book you've always dreamed of.

  • Children's publishing trends 2024

    Explore the latest trends in children's literature self-publishing for 2024, including the crucial shift towards inclusivity, environmental consciousness, and the empowering role of AI.

  • Children’s Book Illustration Guide - Styles of Illustration

    From whimsical watercolors to dynamic digital art, choosing the right illustration style can set your children's book apart. Explore our guide to the most popular children's book illustration styles and find inspiration for your next project.

  • Children’s Book Illustration Guide - Themes in Children’s Books

    Embark on a journey through the intertwining worlds of narrative themes and visual artistry in children's literature. This guide unveils how to harmonize themes with illustrations, creating books that not only tell a story but visually enchant and educate. Explore the synergy between words and images for unforgettable children's stories.

  • 10 Tips to Self Publishing Children's Books in 2024

    Step into the future of children's book publishing with Made Live's top 10 tips for 2024. Embrace new digital trends, interactive storytelling, and eco-friendly practices to captivate young minds and succeed in self-publishing.

  • A Beginner's Roadmap to Publishing a Children's Book: From Idea to Bookshelf

    Embark on the rewarding journey of children's book publishing with our beginner's roadmap. From initial brainstorming to seeing your book on the shelf, this guide demystifies the process, offering practical steps for first-time authors. Discover essential tips on writing, illustrating, and marketing your children's book, all designed to guide you from idea to bookshelf.

  • Illustrating Your Children's Book: Tips for Aspiring Authors

    Discover the art of bringing your children's book to life with the perfect illustrations. From drawing your own artwork to collaborating with professionals or utilizing AI technology, this guide covers the spectrum of creative options available for aspiring authors. Learn how to match your story with stunning visuals that captivate and enchant young readers.

  • Free Beta Transition to Paid

    Big changes are coming to Made Live. Here's your complete guide to smoothly upgrading your account as we transition from our free Beta to our new Paid Plans.

  • NEW BEGINNINGS SERIES - Blog 1: New Year, New Tales: Unleashing Creativity in Children's Books

    Embark on a creative journey this New Year and transform your resolutions into enchanting children's tales. Our blog offers valuable insights and tips to help you capture the essence of new beginnings in your storytelling.

  • Top Software Tools for Self-Publishing Success

    Discover the best software tools that can help transform your manuscript into a self-published masterpiece. From writing and editing to design and distribution, learn how to navigate the self-publishing process with ease.

  • Children’s Book Illustration Guide - Understanding Your Audience

    Navigating the world of children's literature requires a keen understanding of your audience. Our guide dives into how to research and comprehend the preferences, interests, and reading levels of your target demographic, ensuring your children's book resonates and delights.

  • Help

  • Planning

  • Setting

    Setting is more than just a backdrop; it's the emotional and visual palette of your children's book. On Made Live, learn how each element, from time to location, crafts a uniquely engaging narrative.

  • Plot

    Plot arcs are your narrative's roadmap, guiding your characters and captivating your readers. Explore classic structures like the Hero's Journey or the Three-Act Structure to craft a compelling story on Made Live.

  • Theme

    Themes are the emotional and philosophical underpinning of your children's book. They turn a narrative into an impactful story that resonates with young readers. Learn how to choose and integrate themes with Made Live.

  • Flow

    Flow is more than a blank canvas; it's the starting point for your children's book on Made Live. Here, your ideas transform into structured data, laying the foundation for your creative journey.

  • Characters

    Made Live takes character creation to the next level with AI-generated sketches. Provide your character's details, and let our AI engine produce a visual representation that enhances your storytelling.

  • Designer

  • Designer Set Up

    Welcome to the Designer Set Up, the gateway to your enchanting children's book creation. Here, we'll lay the foundation for your design journey, ensuring your story unfolds in all its glory.

  • Designer Tools

    Welcome to the world of designer tools in Made Live's creative arsenal. These tools are your trusted companions on the path to creative excellence, offering you the means to shape and infuse life into your design.

  • Designer Controls

    Welcome to the world of designer controls in Made Live's workspace. Here, every element is a piece of your creative puzzle, and we've equipped you with intuitive controls to master them. Whether it's rotating, resizing, flipping, or warping elements, you're in the driver's seat. We'll guide you through these creative tools that empower you to shape and refine your elements effortlessly, ensuring your design journey is a smooth and enjoyable one.

  • Designer Fonts

    Unlock the power of typography in Made Live with our user-friendly interface. This guide will walk you through how to use and manage fonts effectively, ensuring your projects not only look good but also resonate with your intended audience. Learn how to adjust alignment, size, font families, and even color to make your design truly stand out.

  • Kb

  • Language for Distribution

    Explore the steps to prepare your children's book for international distribution. Learn the intricacies of translating your story into different languages and adapting it to various formats for a global audience.

  • Literary Agents

    Unravel the process of finding literary agents and drafting effective query letters. Learn how to professionally approach agents and present your children's book for potential representation.

  • Title

    Discover the art of selecting the perfect title for your children's book. Learn how a great title can capture interest, reflect your story, and appeal to young readers.

  • Community

    Discover the benefits of connecting with writing and publishing communities. Learn how these networks can support, inspire, and guide children's book authors and illustrators.

  • Organizing Book Launches and Promotional Events

    Learn how to effectively organize book launches and promotional events for your children's book. This guide covers planning strategies, engaging your audience, and maximizing event success.

  • Brand

    Step into the digital world and build a strong author brand. Learn how to effectively establish and grow your online presence, connecting with readers worldwide.

  • Preparing for International Distribution: Language Translations and Multiple Formats

    Uncover essential strategies for preparing your children's book for international distribution. Learn about language translations, adapting to multiple formats, and reaching a global audience.

  • Understanding Queries

    Gain insights into the query process for children's book publishing. This guide explains how to craft compelling query letters and navigate the submission process to agents and publishers.

  • Basics

    Discover the vibrant world of children's book illustrations. Learn about different styles and color schemes that bring stories to life and captivate young readers' imaginations.

  • Utilizing Social Media and Online Platforms

    Explore the power of social media and online platforms in boosting the visibility and success of your children's book. Learn strategies for effective online engagement and promotion.

  • Plot

    Explore the art of plot crafting in children's literature. Learn how to weave the five essential elements of storytelling into a narrative that captivates young minds.

  • Self-publishing vs Traditional Publishing

    Understand the key differences and considerations between self-publishing and traditional publishing for children's books. Make an informed decision about the best path for your story.

  • Leveraging Technology

    Discover how to harness cutting-edge technology to revolutionize your children's book publishing process. Learn about digital tools that can enhance creativity, production, and marketing.

  • Environment

    Step into the realm of creative writing by setting up the perfect environment. Learn how to design a writing space that fosters creativity and productivity for children's book authors.

  • Illustration Style

    Dive into the world of illustrations and discover how to select the perfect style for your children's book. Explore the variety of artistic approaches to bring your story to life visually.

  • Publishing Rights

    Understand the complexities of publishing contracts and rights in the world of children's books. Learn how to navigate these crucial aspects with confidence and clarity.

  • Book Reviews and Publicity

    Master the art of managing book reviews and publicity to enhance your children's book's success. Learn strategies for gathering reviews, responding to feedback, and maximizing publicity efforts.

  • First Draft

    Embark on the rewarding journey of completing the first draft of your children's book. Discover tips and strategies to reach this significant milestone in your writing process.

  • ISBN, PCN, and PCIP: Registration and Usage

    Delve into the world of book identifiers like ISBN, PCN, and PCIP. Learn their significance in children's book publishing and how to navigate the registration and usage process effectively.

  • Effective Writing

    Master the art of writing for young audiences. Discover essential techniques for using age-appropriate language and managing word count in children's book writing.

  • Types, Format, & Sizes

    Navigate the world of children's book publishing with an understanding of different book types, formats, and sizes. Learn about common trim sizes, cover styles, and page counts to choose the best option for your story.

  • Language & Tone

    Explore the nuances of language and tone in children's book writing. Learn how to engage young readers with words and expressions that resonate with their world.

  • Typography, Color, & Theme

    Uncover the secrets of effective book design for children's literature. Dive into the crucial elements of typography, color, and thematic design to create visually appealing and engaging books.

  • Introduction

    Dive into the enchanting world of children's book publishing! Discover the essential steps, creative nuances, and joyful journey of bringing a children's book to life.

  • Brainstorming

    Embark on the creative journey of brainstorming and conceptualizing your children's book idea. Learn techniques to unlock your imagination and shape your story.

  • Exploring Diverse Themes and Representation

    Understand the importance and impact of incorporating diverse themes and representation in children's books. Learn how to authentically and respectfully represent diverse characters and cultures.

  • Effective Marketing Strategies for Children's Books

    Discover the key marketing strategies that can drive the success of your children's book. This guide covers essential tactics for reaching your target audience and boosting sales.

  • Layout Tips

    Navigate the intricate world of book design and layout for children's literature. Learn about the key elements that make a book visually appealing and reader-friendly.

  • Theme, Tone, Point-of-View

    Discover the intricacies of setting the tone, theme, and point of view in your children's book. Learn how these elements shape your storytelling and connect with young readers.

  • Target Age

    Delve into the nuances of understanding your target audience and age group in children's book writing. Learn how to tailor your storytelling to captivate young minds.

  • Writer's Block

    Break through the barriers of writer's block. Discover practical strategies and tips to reignite your creativity and continue crafting captivating stories for children.

  • Engaging with Schools, Libraries, and Bookstores

    Discover effective strategies for engaging with schools, libraries, and bookstores to promote and distribute your children's book. Learn how to build lasting relationships with these key partners.

  • Beta Readers

    Dive into the crucial process of seeking feedback and engaging in beta reading for your children's book. Learn how constructive critiques can refine and enhance your storytelling.

  • Plot, Climax, & Point of View

    Master the art of structuring your children's book. Explore how to effectively outline your story with a well-defined plot, gripping climax, and satisfying falling action.

  • Workshops and Webinars

    Discover a world of learning through workshops, webinars, and ongoing opportunities. This guide highlights the value of continuous professional development in children's book publishing.

  • Dialogue

    Discover the art of creating engaging dialogue and character interactions in children's literature. Learn how to bring your characters to life with authentic and dynamic exchanges.

  • Working with Illustrators

    Delve into the collaborative world of children's book creation. Learn how to work effectively with illustrators to bring your story to life through stunning visuals.

  • Summary

    Delve into the art of writing a compelling book summary. Learn why a well-crafted summary is essential for sharing and promoting your children's book effectively.

  • Made Live Resources

    Uncover the full potential of Made Live’s resources and support services. Learn how to effectively utilize these tools for every stage of your children's book publishing journey.

  • Networking with Authors

    Uncover the value of networking in the children's book industry. Learn strategies to connect with fellow authors, build professional relationships, and enhance your career.

  • Characters

    Unleash the power of character creation in children's books. Learn how to craft memorable characters that resonate with young readers and bring your stories to life.

  • Accessibility

    Embrace the significance of accessible book design for children. Learn how to incorporate elements like braille, large print, and clear visuals to make your book inclusive for all readers.

  • Advanced Marketing Techniques and Analytics

    Explore cutting-edge marketing strategies and analytics tools to elevate your children's picture book's reach and success. Discover how to leverage data-driven insights for impactful marketing.

  • Industry Trends

    Learn how to stay informed and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of children's book publishing. This article offers strategies for keeping up with industry trends and changes.

  • Setting

    Dive into the art of creating an immersive setting for your children's book. Explore how time, place, tone, and theme can be woven together to bring your story to life.

  • Finalization

    Embark on the final stage of your children's book journey. Learn the essential steps to finalize your manuscript for publication, ensuring it's polished and ready for young readers.

  • Self-Editing

    Hone your self-editing skills to polish your manuscript. Discover essential tips and techniques to refine your writing, ensuring your children's book shines.

  • Navigating Law

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of the legalities of copyright and infringement in children's book publishing, including the emerging aspects related to AI. Learn how to protect your work and navigate these crucial legal waters.

  • Professional Editor

    Uncover the crucial role of a professional editor in crafting a children's book. Learn how their expertise can elevate your manuscript, ensuring quality and coherence.

  • Faq

  • Changes to Privacy Policy

    Learn what you need to know about changes to our privacy policy and how we communicate these updates to you.

  • What should I do if I encounter an error while using Made Live?

    Discover troubleshooting tips and solutions for handling errors that you may encounter while using Made Live's platform for your creative projects.

  • What is the typical response time for support tickets?

    Get information on how soon Made Live's support team will respond to your submitted tickets.

  • When will my subscription be canceled after I request it?

    Your go-to FAQ for understanding the cancellation period and related policies at Made Live.

  • How does Made Live's billing system work?

    Get all your billing-related questions answered with Made Live's comprehensive FAQ guide. Learn about payment options, cycles, and how to manage your account effectively.

  • How can I share my projects or collaborate with co-authors and illustrators?

    Explore the process of sharing projects for seamless collaboration. Learn how to invite, manage, and work with team members.

  • Are there any specific web browsers or devices recommended for optimal performance?

    Find out which browsers offer the best experience on Made Live. Stay updated on supported versions for maximum performance and security.

  • How are exchange rates calculated for international customers?

    This FAQ addresses how exchange rates might affect your pricing and billing when using Made Live.

  • Can I expect any downtime during updates?

    Understanding Made Live’s downtime policy: Learn what to expect and how to navigate unexpected service interruptions.

  • How can users provide feedback and suggestions for improvement?

    Learn how to provide valuable feedback and suggestions to help us make Made Live even better. Your voice matters!

  • Are there specific requirements for using print-on-demand services?

    Find answers to your queries and gain insights into how print-on-demand services work for your creative projects on Made Live.

  • How can I access and use the support ticket system?

    Quick guide on how to navigate and access various support systems offered by Made Live.

  • Does Made Live provide print-ready book files?

    Learn everything you need to know about the process of preparing print-ready book files on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Explore our FAQs for clarity.

  • What are the minimum system requirements to use Made Live effectively?

    Find out which browsers are compatible with Made Live and what system requirements you need for an optimal experience.

  • How can I troubleshoot common issues or error messages on my own?

    Find solutions to common issues and troubleshooting queries on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Get back on track with ease.

  • Can I choose between monthly and annual billing?

    Confused about whether to choose monthly or annual billing? This FAQ provides insights to help you make an informed decision for your subscription.

  • Who owns the rights to the books I create on Made Live?

    Get the essential guide to understanding your book rights. Learn about copyrights, licensing, and how to protect your work.

  • How can I cancel my subscription?

    Learn everything you need to know about cancellations and how they function on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Explore our FAQs for clarity.

  • What payment methods does Made Live accept?

    Discover the payment methods and billing options offered by Made Live to facilitate your access to services for your creative projects.

  • Can I expect changes in pricing and packages?

    Dealing with price changes? Find out what you can expect and how to navigate through any alterations in Made Live's pricing structure.

  • Are professional designers available through Made Live?

    With Made Live, you have the power to design your book from start to finish. Experience complete creative control through our intuitive interface.

  • Can I access hi-def printing options?

    Learn everything you need to know about high-definition printing and how it functions on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Explore our FAQs for clarity.

  • What types of issues should I submit support tickets for?

    Find out how to effectively submit a support ticket to resolve your issues promptly. Your guide to seamless customer support.

  • Can I collaborate with others on book projects using Made Live?

    Learn everything you need to know about how teams function on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Explore our FAQs for clarity.

  • Can I publish the books I create anywhere I want?

    Discover the freedom you have in choosing where to publish your books created with Made Live. You're in the driver's seat.

  • How often are software updates released?

    Learn everything you need to know about software updates on Made Live's platform for your creative projects. Explore our FAQs for clarity.

  • What are Made Live's ethical guidelines for content?

    Discover the ethical standards and principles that shape the creative environment on Made Live, promoting responsible and respectful content creation.

  • Are user suggestions taken into account for development?

    Find answers to your queries about submitting feature requests and how Made Live can accommodate your requests to improve your creative projects.

  • What trim sizes are available for books?

    Find out how to prepare your book for print with trim sizes and specifications in this FAQ. Your guide to print-ready trims on Made Live.

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