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Planning Your Children's Book: Tone, Theme, and Point of View

Discover the intricacies of setting the tone, theme, and point of view in your children's book. Learn how these elements shape your storytelling and connect with young readers.

Crafting the Foundation of Your Children's Story

When planning a children's book, setting the tone, theme, and point of view (POV) are critical steps in crafting your narrative. These elements are the pillars that support and shape your story, influencing how it resonates with your audience. This guide explores how to effectively establish these key aspects in your children's book.

1. Establishing the Tone

Tone refers to the mood or atmosphere of your story. It can range from light and whimsical to serious and contemplative. The tone should match the content of your story and the age group of your audience. For younger children, a playful and upbeat tone often works well, while older children might appreciate more complexity and nuance.

2. Choosing the Theme

The theme is the underlying message or moral of your story. It could be about friendship, bravery, kindness, or overcoming challenges. When choosing a theme, consider what message you want to convey to your young readers and how it aligns with their understanding of the world.

3. Deciding on Point of View

The point of view determines through whose eyes the story is told. It can be first person, third person, or even second person. For children's books, the POV should be clear and consistent, offering a perspective that young readers can easily follow and relate to.

4. Interweaving Tone, Theme, and POV

These three elements should work together seamlessly in your story. The tone should enhance the theme, and the POV should provide a unique lens through which the theme and tone are experienced. This interplay is what makes your story engaging and memorable.

5. Consistency is Key

Maintain consistency in tone, theme, and POV throughout your story. Inconsistencies can confuse young readers and detract from the narrative's impact.

6. Testing Your Choices

Read your story aloud, or share it with others, to test if the tone, theme, and POV are working well together. Feedback from children in your target age group can be particularly insightful.

7. Flexibility and Adaptation

Be open to changing the tone, theme, or POV as your story evolves. Sometimes, the story can take a direction you didn’t initially anticipate, and being flexible can lead to a more compelling narrative.


Establishing the tone, theme, and point of view is like laying the foundation for a house. These elements support and give shape to your story, impacting how it is perceived and experienced by young readers. A well-chosen tone sets the emotional backdrop, a meaningful theme adds depth, and an effective POV brings a unique perspective. Together, they create a rich and immersive world that captivates and resonates with children. As you plan your book, take the time to carefully consider and integrate these elements, crafting a story that not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of your young audience.

Last Updated: 5 months

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